Custom Built!
Ultra Light Touch & Lightning Fast, Power To Spare!
Verified Numbers Tell the Story…The Truth! (Always do)
- Touch Weight: 45 Down, 25 Up (1-88)
- After Touch: Perfect
- Blow: Full 1-3/4″ Blow
- Key Ratio: .50 (1-88)
- Action Ratio: 5.50
- Dip: 10mm exactly, no more
- Hammers: Gross 6
- Inertia: 3-2-1 Lead Pattern, Low Inertia
Ready for the next level?
Ready for something a production piano just can’t provide?
Experience an acoustic piano with an extremely light touch, allowing exact articulation with dynamic control and the added benefit of extended playability without fatigue.
Enhanced Action Leverage Defies Physics!? – you be the Judge!
Built by Bruce Fanzlaw, RPT
Underpriced @ $55,000.00
We welcome your personal audition!

Elegant Ebony Polish cabinetry
Exotic Zebrawood appointments
Custom guilded plate color
Concourse finish
Ebony felting